See this month’s Ministry Calendar.

Serve Our Church

Serve in Worship

Worship is the foundation of our faith life. We are committed to living as a prayerful, hospitable community, inviting others into their own encounter with Jesus Christ. As servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries, we nurture liturgical and musical excellence.

  • During the processional and at the Gospel reading, Acolytes carry the torches and crucifers carry the cross. Young people are welcome to serve in either role; “mature” parishioners are also invited to serve as crucifer.

  • The Altar Guild prepares the church for worship services, including weddings, funerals and baptisms. They set out the elements for God’s table and ensure that each feast day, especially in Advent, Christmas, Holy Week and Easter, appropriately reflects the church season both visually and sacramentally.

  • Members arrange flowers for the altar for worship services and special events.

  • LEMs serve as chalice bearers during Eucharists. LEMs also provide in-home communion to parishioners who are unable to attend church.

  • Lectors read the scripture passages during worship services. There is no special training necessary to serve on this ministry.

  • These volunteers greet people in the narthex and help them find their name tags as they arrive at church.

  • Ushers welcome worshipers with bulletins, introduce newcomers, answer questions and guide people during our worship service. They also bring the offering to the altar and collect bulletins for recyling at the end of the service.

  • These volunteers sort and count the Sunday offerings and prepare them for deposit.

Serve in Pastoral Care

Jesus calls all of us to love and care for one another. Pastoral Care is not just the responsibility of the Rector: it’s our responsibility to each other.

  • In this program, lay people are trained to be a “representative” to listen in a compassionate, non-controlling manner. They serve an individual or group to consciously or unconsciously represent God and to respond to their spiritual needs.

  • This team provides meals to parishioners who are just returning from the hospital, had a death in their family or who have welcomed a new baby to their home.